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Workcell UI showcase

Automatically generate Input/Output UI by type hints.

import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, SecretStr
from workcell.integrations.types import FileContent

class SelectionValue(str, Enum):
FOO = "foo"
BAR = "bar"

class OtherData(BaseModel):
text: str
integer: int

class ShowcaseModel(BaseModel):
short_text: str = Field(..., max_length=60, description="Short text property")
password: SecretStr = Field(..., description="Password text property")
long_text: str = Field(..., description="Unlimited text property")
integer_in_range: int = Field(
description="Number property with a limited range. Optional because of default value.",
positive_integer: int = Field(
..., ge=0, multiple_of=10, description="Positive integer with step count of 10."
float_number: float = Field(0.001)
date: Optional[] = Field(,
description="Date property. Optional because of default value.",
time: Optional[datetime.time] = Field(,
description="Time property. Optional because of default value.",
string_list: List[str] = Field(
..., max_items=20, description="List of string values"
int_list: List[int] = Field(..., description="List of int values")
boolean: bool = Field(
description="Boolean property. Optional because of default value.",
file_list: Optional[List[FileContent]] = Field(
description="A list of files. Optional property.",
single_file: Optional[FileContent] = Field(
description="A single file. Optional property.",
string_dict: Dict[str, str] = Field(
..., description="Dict property with string values"
float_dict: Dict[str, float] = Field(
..., description="Dict property with float values"
single_selection: SelectionValue = Field(
..., description="Only select a single item from a set."
multi_selection: Set[SelectionValue] = Field(
..., description="Allows multiple items from a set."
single_object: OtherData = Field(
description="Another object embedded into this model.",
object_list: List[OtherData] = Field(
description="A list of objects embedded into this model.",

def showcase_components(input: ShowcaseModel) -> ShowcaseModel:
"""Showcase of a variety of differnt property types and how they are shown in the UI.
This function only returns the input data.
return input