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Create a workcell

Say hello to workcell

You can start by running following command:

workcell hello

This command do following steps:

  1. Init a hello_workcell workcell project in current folder.

  2. Serve hello_workcell workcell app

Now you can visit to visit a running workcell UI, or check the automatically generated Swagger UI.

Workcell compatible function

You have no need to implement any UI or API features yourself, if your function is workcell compatible, you can serve it by workcell directly.


A workcell-compatible function must have an input parameter and return value based on Pydantic models. The input and output models are specified using type hints.

Here is an example of a simple workcell compatible function:

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Input(BaseModel):
message: str

class Output(BaseModel):
message: str

def hello_workcell(input: Input) -> Output:
"""Returns the `message` of the input data."""
return Output(message=input.message)

The function hello_workcell can be served & deployed directly by workcell.

Start from a template

Or if you want to explore more details, you can start from a template, use workcell new command as below:

workcell new {PROJECT_NAME}

A new folder named as {PROJECT_NAME} will be created into current folder.

You can apply your change in {PROJECT_NAME} folder, such as modify and rename your main function name into FUNCTION_NAME.

After modification, you can run workcell app by:

workcell serve {PROJECT_NAME}.app:{FUNCTION_NAME}

The output will display the location where the API is being served, default running port is 7860.